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64. Your Vape-Free Year: 12 Monthly Tips to Help You Stay On Track

How do you stay on track with your New Year’s resolution to finally quit vaping for good? In this fun and strategic episode, I’m showing you how to stick with your New Year’s resolutions by using a different tip and a trick to create consistency each and every month in 2024.

Achieving new things in 2024 might be stressful. You will face challenges in sticking to your resolutions this year, and these challenges might act as a trigger to reach for your vape. However, when you have a strategy for dealing with stress and triggers, like the one I’m giving you today, you’ll be able to maintain your good habits all year round.

Tune in this week as I share a strategy for sticking with your New Year’s resolutions. I’m sharing why now is the perfect time to reflect and reset, giving you a powerful exercise to decide what you want to experience this year, and you’ll learn a plan you can implement at the start of each month that will help you keep consistent and stay away from your vape.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • An event in my life recently that could have led to a vaping relapse.

  • What it means to reflect and reset.

  • A powerful exercise for setting your intentions for the year ahead and deciding what you really want.

  • Why the power to change already lies within you.

  • 12 tips and tricks to stick with your goals and resolutions in 2024.


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