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59. Hazy Horizons: The Pitfalls of Vaping While Traveling

If you’re at the point right now where you couldn’t make a tight airport connection without your lungs being on fire, or if you struggle to get through a long journey without experiencing the deep discomfort of craving your vape, today’s episode on the pitfalls of vaping while traveling is for you.

For many families, the holidays mean traveling and long days on the road, and for vaping moms, it means dealing with the cravings of a vape-addicted brain. Traveling is stressful enough and being burdened with the urge to vape and poor lung health as a result of vaping makes it even harder.

Tune in this week to discover eight reasons why vaping while traveling is not only inconvenient and uncomfortable, but it’s also pretty dangerous. I’m listing out all the pitfalls of vaping while traveling, and you’ll learn why traveling becomes a safer and less anxious experience when vaping is no longer a factor in the decisions you make.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • 8 reasons why traveling and vaping is inconvenient at best and dangerous at worst.

  • The massive difference not vaping has on your lungs

  • Why our brains love a healthy goal that we can follow through on.

  • The dangers of buying vapes on the road in unfamiliar places.

  • Where to start with creating a vape-free travel experience.


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