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63. Finding Joy in Not Vaping

If you’re addicted to your vape, you’re probably using your vape like a pacifier right now. And every moment you aren’t vaping, you have this fear that you’re missing out. However, by the end of this episode, you’ll have some clarity on how you can replace your FOMO with JOMO (the joy of missing out), so you can feel amazing about being on this journey of quitting vaping!

It takes time, but you can put vaping behind you. If you do the work, you won’t even want to want your vape. It’s the most incredible feeling and I want all of you to experience the freedom that comes with ditching your vape for good and not worrying about EVALI and other health implications.

Tune in this week to discover the joy of missing out on vaping. I’m showing you how vaping stops you from being present in your life, and you’ll learn how to look at your life and find joy instead of fear when it comes to taking the leap and ditching your vapes for good.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why being addicted to your vape creates feelings of FOMO.

  • How we use vapes like a pacifier, stopping us from being in the present.

  • Why we fear being truly present in our daily lives.

  • How to replace your FOMO with JOMO (the joy of missing out).


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