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69. Disciplined Goals: The Third Step Toward a Vape-Free Life

Break Vape Podcast with Tami Ernst | Curiosity: The Second Step Toward a Vape-Free Life

Now you’ve developed some self-awareness and you’ve started getting curious about why you vape in the first place, it’s time to start the third part of my process for living a vape-free life: developing disciplined goals. This is how you start gaining autonomy over your addiction, and disarming it by achieving one small goal at a time.

Your big, overarching goal is to quit vaping for good. This is a super broad goal and right now it probably feels impossible, so I’m showing you how to divide this big goal into several sub-goals that you can tick off one by one as you work toward the vape-free life you’re dreaming of.

Tune in this week to discover a new process for achieving your goals. I’m sharing seven sub-goals you can use to achieve your umbrella goal of quitting vaping, giving you some useful information on the science behind vape addiction, and you’ll learn how achieving these small disciplined goals will ultimately help you reach the goal of living a vape-free life.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why we need to break down the goal of quitting vaping into smaller sub-goals.

  • 7 effective sub-goals that will contribute to you quitting vaping for good.

  • How to think of your own sub-goals for quitting vaping.

  • My tips for being disciplined in pursuit of your goal to live a vape-free life.

  • How to reward yourself without reaching for your vape.


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