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79. A Backup Plan for When Quitting Feels Impossible

Break Vape Podcast with Tami Ernst | Quit Vaping in 6 Simple Steps

Have you started your journey toward quitting vaping, but feel a little lost without a backup plan? I’ve got your back in this episode. If you’re ready to create a solid backup plan so you can feel confident in those tough moments as you quit vaping, this episode is for you.

One thought people struggle with when they’re in the process of quitting vaping is, “I just want to vape a little bit…” You might think vaping will help you feel better. But while vaping gives you a temporary release from negative emotion, it’s short-lived and causes anxiety in the long run. So, what’s your backup plan when you get stuck with thoughts like this?

Tune in this week to learn a strategic approach to quitting vaping. I share inspiration to come up with a backup plan that will support you when you’re struggling on your journey to quitting vaping, which is something we all need throughout this process.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • Why vaping just a little bit isn’t feasible for most people.

  • A strategic question to help you quit vaping for good.

  • Why you need a backup plan while quitting vaping.


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