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53. 5 Routine Tweaks to Help Overwhelmed Moms Quit Vaping

Although we think vaping helps us manage our daily stressors, the truth is it causes stress by hijacking our brain’s dopamine reward system. That’s why, if you’ve ever tried quitting vaping, you’ll know how challenging and discouraging it can be to quiet those urges that seem to scream out for it.

If you are ready to quit vaping but find you have to white-knuckle your way through it, you’re in the right place. This week, I’m offering you five strategic ways to begin tweaking your daily routines that will help you stop reaching for your vape, and instead, build a healthy foundation for stress and overwhelm management.

Join me this week to discover how vaping as a stress management tool is affecting your health, wealth, relationships, time, and self-care. I’m sharing simple tweaks you can apply in each of these categories that will transform your daily routine, and ultimately set you up for success when you’re ready to start living vape-free.


What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

  • How vaping to manage stress and overwhelm is affecting your health, wealth, relationships, time, and self-care.

  • Five strategic ways to start tweaking your daily routines.

  • How to build and sustain systems that will help you manage stress and overwhelm.

  • Why these routine tweaks will allow you to create a solid foundation for stress management.

  • The magical results I’ve witnessed when we ditch vaping for good.


Listen to the Full Episode:

Featured on the Show:

  • Schedule your free strategy session to discover exactly how my proven system can help you ditch your vapes for good.

  • Join our Facebook group to take the first step on your vape-quitting journey now!

Full Episode Transcript:

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